I had an amazing time visiting the U.S. Embassy, meeting Joia's coworkers and later having great conversations over Korean Food and later sitting on the terrace enjoying the tropical night air. I also enjoyed the local cuisine and was very happy that I could get ginger beer everywhere I went.
Joia was an amazing tour guide. We made the best of every adventure. We also had a great time partying with two of the most popular morning show deejays on the island. If plan to go to Barbados soon be sure to check out Barbados native, Alex Jordan's morning radio show!!! It was on to Frisky Fridays the next night to meet up with more of Joia's friends and dance the night away. With all the delicious food that I ate I definitely was glad to work it all off on the dance floor in the evenings. I even enjoyed going to the grocery store, gas station, and other things we often do in our daily lives. Visiting these places gives me yet another glimpse of the culture, an opportunity to interact with native people and seeing how those who live on the island live their daily lives.
Family and friends are oh so important to me so when I went to Joia's coworkers/friends birthday brunch and was embraced like family it was the perfect addition to a fabulous trip. Great people, delicious food, drinks flowing, an amazing Caribbean backdrop and the celebration of a birthday made me feel right at home.
No Caribbean vacation is complete without a trip to the beach so we definitely took advantage and had some fun in the sun.
A huge thank you to Joia and her amazing friends in Barbados for welcoming me and for taking part in my fabulous vacation!!!!
Thanks for reading!!!
Hasta el proximo Vez,
P.S. I hope everyone is having an amazing holiday season. May you be abundantly blessed in 2013.
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