Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Story of My Traveling Pants

I enjoyed watching the movie the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Parts I and II. I enjoyed the story of four friends and how they shared one pair of pants although they were different sizes with different body types, different styles of dress and different personalities. The pants not only traveled amongst the girls during various events of their teen years, these pants traveled around the globe to the various locations that the girls traveled to. Whether it was the U.S., Greece or Mexico the pants ended up with each girl just when they needed them.

The movie made me think of two of my favorite pair of pants. I consider them my traveling pants. My cousin brought back two pairs of pants for me from Nigeria. He gave them to me when I was a pre-teen or teenager. I always loved the fabric but back then I wasn’t sure of how to pull them off. Fast forward a decade or so later and they are two of my favorite items to wear. I love the African print, the vibrant colors and that I can dress them up or down. They are also very easy to travel with, oh and did I mention comfortable and I always feel great wearing them. Thank goodness that my fashion sense and style has evolved and thank goodness that I was always in my right mind and kept them in great condition through the years. Ha!

The pants are not only cute and comfortable but they are special to me because they are a great reminder of the travels of my family and I. They remind me of the various cultures that are represented in my family and friends. They remind me of my ancestors, they remind me of my love for learning about different places, cultures, people, and languages. They remind me of my travels and time spent abroad. While in Spain, a similar style of pant was in style and I thought about purchasing a similar pair of pants. For some reason I never went through with buying the pants in Spain. When I got home I suddenly remembered the pants given to me from my cousin and realized why I never bought the pants in Spain. I already had not one pair but two pairs of pants in a similar style yet better. Better  why, because my pants had a lot more meaning than the ones than those that I would have bought it Spain ( I got an awesome pair of shoes instead J) Now my favorite pants travel with my quite often. Now I can’t wait to go to Nigeria to visit my cousin’s side of the family and snag some more cool fashions to incorporate into my wardrobe.

Do you have a favorite article of clothing that remind you of your travels or inspires you to travel to new/ different places? If so leave a comment and let me know.

Hasta el proximo vez,


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