Monday, August 12, 2013

Amazing Hands that Guided Me - Dra. Nelly McRae

"God or our spirits have a peculiar way of putting particular people in our lives at particular times for particular reasons - and you never know when or how that's going to come about, but you'd best be open to it" Eddie Armstrong as written in the book A Hand to Guide Me by Denzel Washington 

As I read that quote I am reminded of my former  Spanish professor Dra. Nelly McRae, who I now affectionately call my Madrina (godmother in Spanish). That quote personifies our relationship. I had no idea when I chose to become a Hampton University student that I would develop lifelong relationships with my professors. The relationship that was fostered between Madrina and I (professor/advisor >mentor > godmother) has been such a blessing. She has been a strong involved presence in my life since we met. I remember when I took one of her Spanish classes as a Sophomore it was like I had already taken classes with her before. It was like I had grown up with her. She made language learning fun. She always showed me different ways to better my language skills both inside and outside of the classroom. She encourages me to travel and embraces the various cultures of each place both domestically and internationally. There were many times when she saw more in me than I could see in myself. She would always remind me that with God nothing is impossible. I have carried and continue to use all of the lessons that she has and continues to teach me.

Madrina is one of the main reasons why I chose a career in Study Abroad/ International Programs. She was with me every step of the way as I prepared to study abroad during my undergrad matriculation. She was always a phone call, email or text away when I graduated and as I completed graduated school a couple of years later. She is such a supporter of my career and has been a true inspiration. She is such a source of encouragement and advice as I successfully make my way in my chosen profession.

Hampton University has a true gem in my Madrina. So many of her students love and adore her.  As I work with my students, faculty, administrators, parents etc.  I pray that Madrina's spirit and influence shines through. There are many times that I think if I could affect another students life even half as much as Madrina has affected mine then I would have done something right. 

Thank you Madrina for the person that you are and for all that  you have and continue to do in my life and the lives of your students. God has truly blessed me with your continued presence.  My life truly would not be the same without you!  
KoMiSa'sThoughts: Who has made a positive impact on your life? Have you let them know? If not and you can, do so. And if you are looking for a great read that personifies mentorship and inspiration check out the book "A Hand to Guide Me" by Denzel Washington. Madrina's hands among others have guided me. Whose hands have guided you?

Hasta el proximo vez,


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