Monday, September 30, 2013

It's My Birthday and I wanted to say Thank You!!!!

My birthday was this past Saturday and I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate than to say Thank You!!!

As I prepared for my birthday I wanted to do something for many of the people that mean so very much to me so I decided to write thank you cards, one for every year that I have been blessed to live on this earth thus far. Thus I set out to write 30 thank you notes and yes you guessed it, I turned 30!!!! As I wrote my list that quickly grew to more than 30 people and counting, I immediately thought of you, yes you the person reading this blog. When I started this blog I told myself that if I could reach at least one person and inspire him or her to step beyond their comfort zone and study in a different country, travel to a new place or try something new then I am making a difference.

Through the comments that you leave on the blog site, the comments that I receive on Facebook, Google + and other social media outlets, to the feedback that I get through conversation from those I know personally, each one of you has inspired me to continue to move forward with my blog and share my passion for study abroad, culture, language learning, etc. Thank you from taking the time out of your schedule to read what I have to say and embrace what I have to share. It means a lot to me to be able to share my experiences. I believe that I did not have the experiences abroad and with language learning just for myself. I had my various experiences to share and inspire others.

This is only the beginning and I hope and pray that you will stick with me along this blogging journey as I continue to share my love for all things study abroad, language learning, culture, travel and inspiration. Thanks again for riding this ride with me!!!!

Hasta el Proximo Vez,


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Career Corner: A Chat with Kyra Miller, MPH and Aspiring Nurse

I am very pleased to introduce you to Kyra Miller. Kyra and I met as students at Hampton University in Spanish class freshman year and have been great friends ever since. Kyra studied biology at Hampton University and later earned a Masters in Public Health from the University of Alabama in Birmingham. Most recently Kyra is a nursing student in an accelerated program at Duke University. Kyra loves helping others and took the opportunity to help others while studying abroad.

1. Where did you study abroad?
I studied abroad in Kingston Jamaica

2. When did you study abroad and how long did you stay?
I studied In August of 2013 and stayed for two weeks.

3. What was your sole purpose for studying abroad? Did you accomplish that purpose?
I'm a nursing student and we have a community health nursing course. The purpose of this trip was to complete the community health clinical. On this trip we were able to have clinical experiences in the public health clinics throughout the city. 

4. Were you initially excited and ready to go or were there any fears or reservations? If so what were they and how did you overcome? If not what expectations ignited your excitement?
Honestly I was in summer school during an intense semester before the trip so I didn't have time to think about the trip. I packed after my final the day before the flight departed. I had no reservations. I like traveling and was in no way intimidated by the site. I did get extremely excited once I was in the airport and it finally felt "real" 

5. What was your experience like studying abroad?
My experience was great. I was able to get an insider view of their health system and how it functioned at the community level. I saw so many things that so far I had not seen during my clinical experiences in the states. It was also just eye opening to see this developing nation do so much with such limited resources. During my experience we were divided into groups and rotated through three different clinics. We did this because although it is the same city, each clinic had a different type of population, was run slightly different, and had an entirely different feel. 

6. How has studying abroad changed your life? You as a person?
This experience really reignited my interest in public health. I previously received an MPH (master of public health degree) but over time just lost any zeal for that area. Seeing what the public health nurses do and all the hats they wear and how involved they are with the community was really inspiring. 
This trip also gave me a peek at abject poverty and was very humbling. I'll always remember some of the things I saw. 

7. Are you bilingual or multilingual? If so what languages do you speak? 
I am only able to speak English, which is Jamaica's language. Patwa is also spoken, but I don't know it. 

8. How has studying abroad impacted you career path and outlook?  
It has piqued  an interest in working abroad. It has also given me an interest in public health nursing, that I wasn't very sure about before.

8a. What is your current position and what does your position entail?
My current position is that of student. 

8b. Is there an international aspect to your position?
            There isn't right now, but in the future I would very much like to have opportunities to go        abroad for work, even if only small medical mission trips to developing countries. 
9. What characteristics does one pursue a position such as yours?
I would say determined, tenacious, a passion for helping others. Nursing school is a beast. 

10. Do you have any advice for others who want to study abroad?
I would say, one, to take the opportunity. I wish I'd studied abroad in undergrad. So when I had an opportunity to this time around I took advantage. 
Thank you Kyra for sharing your study abroad experience! If you have any questions for Kyra feel free to leave them in the comments and I will be sure she gets them.
Hasta el proximo vez,

Thursday, September 12, 2013

It's the Beginning of the New School Year... Do You Know Where Your Study Abroad Office Is?

To All My College Students:

It is the beginning of a new school year/ semester...

Do you know where your school's Study Abroad Office is?

Do you know the Study Abroad Office hours?

Do you know what programs are offered?

Do you know who the director of the Study Abroad Office is?

Do you know the names of at least one study abroad advisor, coordinator, or sponsoring professor at your school?

Do you know when the study abroad information sessions will be given?

If you can't answer yes to these questions leave this page immediately after completing this blog entry (only to come back to KoMiSa's World later for more study abroad info ;-)) and find the answers to these questions. Pretend it is a scavenger hunt and feel free to bring a friend or two along. 

You are already online either on your laptop/PC or smart device and may want to start there to answers these questions and that is fine but there is something about a face to face introduction that often yields to greater insight and relationship building. So, make it a point to find the Study Abroad Office , stop by and introduce yourself. See what they have to offer that may fit your course of study, budget, and interests and go from there. You never know... this time next semester, next summer or next year you could be having the time of your life in a new country, new culture, meeting new people, learning a new language etc.

Hasta el Proximo Vez,


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

KoMiSa's Top 10 Reasons to Study Abroad - Part 2 (The last 5)

Here is part 2 of my Top 10 reasons to study abroad. To check out the first 5 reason click here:
KoMiSa's Top 10 Reasons to Study Abroad - Part 1 (The first 5)
6.  Immerse yourself in the new place and culture of your new home away from home.
No time to just stay in your dorm room or apartment and only leave when you have class. Explore, explore, explore! When studying abroad you are often in a new place. Here is your chance to live in the moment and soak up all that your new location has to offer. Learn the history of the place you are calling home for the next couple of weeks/ months. What is your new location known for? Is it a special cuisine, an amazing climate, the arts? Are there famous bookstores or movies that have been made blocks from your apartment or school? If so find out and explore it. Find what makes your new surrounding unique and indulge in the cultural aspects that may be different from your home country. Valencia, Spain is said to be the original location for paella, a delicious rice dish made with seafood, chicken, rabbit (in some locations) etc. I made sure to have some while in living in Valencia. Are there any festivals or celebrations that will teach more about your new location? If so participate and celebrate with the people in your new surroundings. It's like playing, it's one thing to be a spectator but it's usually a lot more fun when you get into the game and start having a good time yourself.

7. Step out of your comfort zone and go beyond perceived limits
Here is your opportunity to leave any preconceived notions of any limitations that you or others may have set upon you back home. This is the time where you can try new things, do things that you never thought you would have done before yet always wanted to try. You don't always have to make a concerted effort to do this sometimes the opportunity can present itself and then it is up to you to take it. That is what happened to me during spring break while I was studying in Spain. I planned to visit classmates in the U.K and stay with them while there. Plans changed and I had to change with them. It was pretty close to spring break so the only options I saw were to change my travel plans and travel alone or stay in Spain. I really like Spain but staying for spring break was a definite no! I was to close to so many other countries I have never been to spend my spring break in my home away from home. With that said, there was one hurdle I had to overcome and that I did. I had never traveled to another country alone or without knowing anyone in the international destination. To top it off I had never stayed in hostels either. Despite the nervousness I stepped way outside of my comfort zone and it was one of the best experiences of my life. Not only did I have an amazing time traveling to different countries; I met some really cool people and learned how much fun it is to travel alone.

8. You will have great stories and pictures to share with others...
New and different experiences often bread learning experiences that make for great stories. New places and new experiences can also bring about great photos to share. Photos allow you to share your visual experiences with others and it is often make great souvenirs. As I traveled through London and Paris during my spring break in grad school I could only bring my backpack as my luggage which was pretty much full before I left my apartment in Spain. My pictures became my treasured souvenirs from my trip. They were a great way to document my trip and sparked my memory when I shared my travels with friends and family. Of course this is assuming that you are like me and never travel without some sort camera or a smart device. Using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc can give your family and friends a glimpse of your trip and all of the fun you are having before you even get home.

9. You often learn a great deal about yourself through the experience.
When we study abroad we often think about what we learn in terms of the place we are in, the subjects we are taking, the culture etc. but it also important to remember and think about all the things that we can learn about ourselves.  Studying abroad can teach you new things about yourself and stretch you in ways that you often wouldn't realize. There is so much to experience, do and see in new/different surrounding. At times it can be a bit overwhelming and take some getting used to. Through that process of learning and getting used to your surroundings, learning new things, meeting new people, experiencing different cultures, taking classes there are many opportunities to learn about yourself.  Here is the time where you can explore who you are while you are exploring your new home away from home. You often learn about your level of openness, patience and cultural awareness. Heck not totally satisfied with what you learn about yourself you can change it. You can even reinvent yourself and push yourself closer to who you really want to be without the pressures of conforming to any preconceived notions from yourself or others. You sometimes learn how you react to different situations on your own that you may have sought the advice or comfort of your friends and family, creating a greater sense of independence and self assuredness.  Thus you learn how to stand on your own two feet in ways that you may not have realized.

10. It is an experience of a lifetime, why pass it up?
Studying Abroad is definitely an experience of a lifetime. It is often a lot of fun but even the not so fun parts contribute to the worthwhile experience. There are so many reasons why I think it is a must but you don't just have to take my word for it. You can check out the Career Corner section of this blog to see what others think about studying abroad. If you are in college you can also stop by your schools study abroad or international programs department, ask foreign language professors or other professors who are known around campus for taking students abroad. Talk to other students who have studied abroad and don't forget to check the posts of KoMiSa's World. Studying abroad has truly changed my life in amazing ways and the lives of many of my friends. It could potentially do the same for you.

If you have studied or lived abroad and want to share other reasons why one should go abroad feel free to share!

Hasta el proximo vez,
