My birthday was this past Saturday and I couldn't think of a better way to
celebrate than to say Thank You!!!
As I prepared for my birthday I wanted to do something for
many of the people that mean so very much to me so I decided to write thank you
cards, one for every year that I have been blessed to live on this earth thus far. Thus I
set out to write 30 thank you notes and yes you guessed it, I turned
30!!!! As I wrote my list that quickly grew to more than 30 people and counting,
I immediately thought of you, yes you the person reading this blog. When I
started this blog I told myself that if I could reach at least one person and
inspire him or her to step beyond their comfort zone and study in a different
country, travel to a new place or try something new then I am making a difference.
Through the comments that you leave on the blog site, the
comments that I receive on Facebook, Google + and other social media outlets,
to the feedback that I get through conversation from those I know personally,
each one of you has inspired me to continue to move forward with my blog and
share my passion for study abroad, culture, language learning, etc. Thank you
from taking the time out of your schedule to read what I have to say and
embrace what I have to share. It means a lot to me to be able to share my
experiences. I believe that I did not have the experiences abroad and with
language learning just for myself. I had my various experiences to share and
inspire others.
This is only the beginning and I hope and pray that you will
stick with me along this blogging journey as I continue to share my love for
all things study abroad, language learning, culture, travel and inspiration.
Thanks again for riding this ride with me!!!!
Hasta el Proximo Vez,
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