Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Career Corner - A Chat with Christina Brown of LoveBrownSugar

Many know Christina Brown from her widely popular blog LoveBrownSugar. If you have not you are missing out on Christina’s great insight on the latest fashion and beauty trends. She has recently been featured in Elle Magazine, has graced the runway for the BlogHer 12 Fashion Show, and has been a correspondent for Ford Motors at the BET 2012 Music Awards.  She is also celebrating 3 years of  her blog LoveBrownSugar. Congrats Christina!!! I can’t wait to see how her career continues to successfully unfold. Christina has a love for travel and studied abroad while attending the University of Pennsylvania. I love reading Christina’s blog and am excited to learn yet another facet about this amazing female on the rise.  

Have you studied abroad during your undergraduate and/or graduate school experience?
Yes, I had the opportunity to study abroad 

If so where did you go?
I studied in Paris, specifically a small suburb of Paris call Jouy-en-Josas at one of Paris' biggest business school HEC Paris. 

For how long?
I was in France from February 2008 until June 2008 so about 5 months. 

How was your experience abroad?
My experience abroad was incredible. I absolutely loved it. At first I was very nervous and scared. I had to take most of my classes in French and it's definitely not my first language (not even my second) so I was worried I wouldn't be able to keep up. But I made such amazing friends over there, both study abroad students and locals, and it was really 5 of the best months of my life.

How has studying abroad changed your life? You as a person?
It definitely made me way more independent. Until I went abroad I had never lived completely on my own. I had also never traveled anywhere by myself. That trip to Paris was an eye-opener. I explored the rural pathways of Jouy-en-Josas by myself. I forced myself to make friends who I normally wouldn't have if I was in the US. I really had to get out my comfort zone. And that, in turn, allowed me to grow and it also fed my itch for international travel. After that, I became addicted to travel!

Do you speak any other languages? If so how many?
Besides English, I can speak a little conversational Spanish and French. 
3a. How has studying abroad impacted your languages skills?
Well, while I was in Paris my conversational French was on point. But like muscles, language skills slowly deteriorate if you don't use them. I'm currently on the hunt for a meetup group in NYC dedicated to French language - I really want to get it back! 

How has speaking another language or your willingness to learn the native tongue of the country impacted your study abroad experience?
Well for me it was a requirement. I had to take most of my classes over there in French. So if I didn't understand the language, I was essentially screwed. But I had an amazing group of friends who were natives, who really helped me in class. They took notes for me in English and really worked with me on assignments so that I felt part of the loop. It's funny - as much as I tried to practice my French with them, they always talked to me in English! They wanted to learn English as badly as I wanted to learn French. So we helped each other. 

What is your current career position? How has studying abroad impacted your career choices? the way you look at fashion and culture?
Currently I'm a Social Media Specialist as well as a Blogger. The reason I even decided to go to Paris was because it's one of the fashion capitals of the world. I grew up in New York, so the next biggest fashion capital for me was Paris! It really helped fuel my desire to work in the industry. Parisians have this effortless chic about them. They wear all black like it's uniform. But they always manage to make it look so amazing. To be honest, my first ever "blog" was my Study-Abroad travel journal. It was online for all my friends and family to see. And that really helped me dip my toe into online journalism way before I started LoveBrownSugar.

Do you have any advice for others who want to study abroad?
Do it! Studying abroad is a great experience - you absolutely won't regret it. Not only will you get to experience a new culture, but you'll make lifelong friends and you will grow so much as a result. I really live by the rule that you should invest in life experiences over things so I think it's so incredibly important to spend time exploring the world, especially while you're young.

Christina has awesome fashion and beauty secrets, trends, and so much more to share so be sure to check out her:

A huge thank you to Christina for doing this interview. It was a true pleasure to meet you and run into you again at events in NYC!!!

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